Difficult issues in simple language

Knowledge is the first step to change. Our mission is to change attitudes towards mental health. We would like your employees to feel less alone and to be able to talk more openly about their well-being, stress and life difficulties. We provide you with resources which may inspire and help you with your dilemmas, about whether and how to address the topic of mental health. We hope that becoming familiar with our content will be a well invested time.

In search of work-life balance

A few words about resting

Why should a manager know how to support an employee in crisis?

How do you develop your mental resilience?

How to take care of yourself while helping others?

New technologies are part of our lives today and there is no turning back from it

Psychological support competences in the workplace

Why is perfectionism a risk factor for burnout?

Overcoming Depression

How to overcome SAD (seasonal affective disorder)?

How not to spoil mental health strategy?

PTSD – how to support people who have collided with traumatic situations?

Depression – cause or effect of obesity?

From witness to leader – Microaggressions in the workplace

Complaining while on vacation – does that mean I’m unhappy?

How to deal with stress?

What is the norm and what is pathology?

“D&I challenges in the face of war in Ukraine”

Psychological safety and what lies hidden underneath

Embracing neurodiversity

“Have I done enough?” Managerial overthinking and sense of guilt in the face of employee crises

This is how we do it Mental Health Helpline – From Intervention to Psychotherapy for Business

Wellbeing is not enough How to take care of people who have a mental crisis – systemic solutions

When something hurts, you just call a doctor Do the same with your mental health!

This is how we do it 5 steps of action for managers in crisis management in critical situations

What teenagers really need

This is how we do it! Mental Health Helpline – From Intervention to Psychotherapy for Business.

Wellbeing is not enough. How to take care of people who have a mental crisis?

When something hurts, you just call a doctor. Do the same with your mental health!

This is how we do it 5 steps of action for managers in crisis management in critical situations

Preparation for acting in psychologically difficult situations – is it worth investing in managers training?