
of employees say that in the last year they have experienced stress, which later led to a struggle in their everyday life


percent of people deal with depression at the moment


percent will go through life without any major difficulties

Step one - awareness

The solution to any problem starts with noticing it. It seems to be rather obvious, however many of us cannot identify the first signs of stress, psychological crisis and other disorders. We pay great attention to psychoeducation. We raise awareness among employees in an interesting and substantive way. We know from our clients that thanks to our lectures conducted in organizations, it is easier for the employees to initiate conversation of various difficulty and to stay motivated in seeking professional help.


PACKAGE BASIC – where to start if mental health topics have not yet been addressed in the organisation.


  • Mental health in numbers. Signs of an employee crisis. How to support without overstepping boundaries in the short and long term?
  • Body and mind under stress. How to identify the signs faster and what to do about it?
  • New normal in Covid, social isolation, loneliness – how loneliness affects health, how to break free from it.
  • Mental resilience – responding flexibly to difficult events.
  • Facing the “unknown” – how to deal with worries.
  • Perfectionism – the good and bad side of striving for perfection.
  • Debunking myths around depression.
  • Good sleeping habits – working with different time zones vs. sleep.
  • Self-esteem – a barometer of acceptance and a protective shield in stress.
  • To go to the office or not to go? That is the question.



  • Building mental resilience. (for all employees)
  • Supporting the employee in a mental health crisis.


PACKAGE SELF-CARE – focusing on stress, resilience, taking care of yourself.


  • Building mental resilience.
  • How not to flatten positive thinking – how optimism, resource focus and gratitude change our brains.
  • Rituals – boring but healthy. Why does the brain like repetition and how can ritual help us get through a crisis?
  • Emotional regulation – how not to burn yourself out emotionally, what is good about emotions (also those “negative” ones).
  • Regeneration – between slave labour and zen master. Why do I find it difficult to take care of myself?
  • Overthinking – why we do it to ourselves, how to deal with worrying.
  • Good sleeping habits, how to cope with working in different time zones.
  • Complaining – what’s behind our tendency to complain, i.e. listening to our own needs (but also how to listen to others’ complaints and respond to them constructively).
  • Good habits – what is a habit and what can we do to finally succeed in making a change.
  • The inner critic – how to get rid of the devilish whispers that lower our self-esteem.



  • Building mental resilience. (for all employees)
  • Stress Tool Box. (for managers)
  • Gratitude – prevention, building physical resilience, enhancing positive emotions, self-esteem.


PACKAGE OCCUPATIONAL BURNOUT – for organisations that are ready to seriously address the risk of employee burnout.


  • Occupational burnout – conditions, prevention, recognition, support. (for managers)
  • Occupational burnout – conditions, prevention, recognition, support. (for employees)
  • Body and mind under stress – what happens to our bodies and why, why unwanted thoughts run through our mind.
  • The brain under stress – the latest neuroscience data on how the brain works under stress.
  • Mental resilience – what resources you need to build up to cope better.
  • Regeneration, rest, positive experiences – my power sources.
  • What hides behind the mask of perfectionism?
  • The benefits of procrastination – is it always carelessness and lack of motivation? What does resisting to do certain tasks or resenting effort and achievement mean?
  • Lack of assertiveness fosters burnout – is it easy to learn to be assertive, what’s behind it that we do not want to admit.
  • Team support – how to build an atmosphere of trust and authenticity in the team.
  • Over-responsibility – saving the world, excessive control, need to be important.



  • Occupational burnout – recognition, prevention, employee support. (separately for managers and other staff)
  • Building mental resilience.
  • Stress – tension reduction techniques, dealing with worry.
  • Assertiveness – some exercises to inspire you to work on yourself (because change is not easy, so we don’t want to promise it after one workshop).



  • Organisation scanning, tests, individual diagnosis, mentoring for managers.


PACKAGE LONG-TERM STRESS – uncertainty, isolation, sadness – talking about stress, uncertainties and ways of coping with the prevailing circumstances.


  • New normal – living in constant uncertainty.
  • Overthinking – facing the unknown – how to deal with worry.
  • Body and mind under stress.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Emotional exhaustion vs. willpower.
  • Work-life boundaries – how to disconnect.
  • Mental resilience– responding flexibly to difficulties.
  • Stress and immunity – debunking myths.
  • FOGO – why do we fear returning to the office?
  • Social isolation and loneliness – what they do to our bodies and thinking – how to cope.



  • Building mental resilience (for all employees) – My support network.
  • Peer support.
  • Self-esteem – a protective shield against adversity.



  • Between loneliness and closeness – that is relationships with oneself and with others.
  • Good relationships – how to build and maintain a successful relationship?
  • Do you want to be right or have a relationship?
  • Me and you – boundaries, freedom, dependencies and responsibility in a relationship.
  • When the End Comes – About the Art of Separation.
  • What do we play in relationships? Psychological games, scripts, the drama triangle and its myths.
  • In harmony with yourself – complicated relationships and the art of setting boundaries.
  • Space and closeness in being a parent of a teenager.
  • The inner family system – how to understand and accept yourself?
  • Relationship crisis – what is it and how to deal with it?


PACKAGE FOR PARENTS – creating a work-life balance atmosphere, supporting employees in coping with everyday problems.


  • Working parent: is there a balance?
  • Parent anger: a guide to a self-regulation.
  • Emotions big and small: how to support children in developing self-regulation.
  • Highly sensitive toddler.
  • Family boundaries.
  • Child at school: challenges, motivation, and talent.
  • Let’s do it together: preschooler fears.
  • Children and… body – how to talk to children about relationships, accepting your own body and sexuality.
  • The challenges of adolescence – emotions, school, and family on a swing.
  • Teen, games, and social media – how to accompany in the world of technology.
  • #Sexed and teens: the body, first relationships, and self-esteem.
  • Teenage and depression – what to know and how to be close in a difficult moment.


PACKAGE MEN AND MENTAL HEALTH – about looking for well-being, understanding one’s own mental processes, paying attention to male mental health.


  • From boy to man – a journey through successive stages of development.
  • Why do men avoid psychological help? About the motivating dialogue.
  • Highly sensitive men.
  • Contemporary man – psychological portrait, life roles, emotions in a man’s life.
  • Autonomy, leadership, independence.
  • How to understand women – languages ​​of communication in relationships.
  • Doctor Man – Why Are Men Less Physically Healthy?
  • They say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body”— the relationship of the body with the psyche.
  • Postponing dreams – what is behind procrastination?
  • Risk-taking, competition, aggression – what does testosterone have to do with it?
  • In the name of the father and son – about the importance of the father-son relationship in building one’s identity as a man. Three generations: “me and my relationship with my father” and “me and my relationship with my son.”


Package In the face of suffering – good support in illness and loss – focused on hurt, trauma, loss, chronic illness and supporting people dealing with long-term crisis.


  • Chronic illness as a loss – how to help with adaptation.
  • PTSD – how to support people who have experienced traumatic situations, symptoms, consequences, therapy.
  • Support for cancer patients.
  • Loss, mourning, opportunity…
  • After the loss of a loved one – understanding yourself, how to be a good support for others.
  • Man after stroke – the risk of depression, how to support without taking away control.
  • Testosterone – not just a male hormone. Its effects on behaviour, health, and what drops when? Lecture not only for men.
  • Neuro – rehabilitation, fitness, diversity.
  • Hormones and mental health.
  • Good conversation – emotional peer support.



  • Emotional support
  • What is empathy, how to build it with simple methods, how to talk step by step with someone who is in crisis, what is a good emotional response, how to talk to someone who floods us with complaints, and we want to help effectively, what is good long-term support for the person in need?


PACKAGE DISEASE, DISORDER, CRISIS – a package introducing various mental illnesses, deepening knowledge on psychopathology of disorders.


  • What is normal and what is pathology – when to diagnose, when to seek specialist help.
  • Depression epidemic – what are mood disorders, can you help yourself?
  • Anxiety disorders – phobia, generalised anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, various masks of anxiety disorders.
  • Bipolar psychosis – note the unusual course. About suffering, risks and good support.
  • Personality disorders – both sides suffer when dealing with a charming narcissist.
  • Personality disorders – borderline bipolar people, causes, behaviours, support, treatment.
  • I can’t survive without you – dependent personality, when can support sustain symptoms?
  • Highest risk of death – anorexia. And about other eating disorders.
  • Sleep disorders – Poles among the top poorly sleeping nations – about changing habits and treatment of sleep disorders.
  • Sexual needs – between health, fetish and disorder.
  • PTSD – what trauma is, when is post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed, what treatment is involved and why it is worth confronting overwhelming fear.
  • Behavioural addictions – phone, social, gaming, gambling, sex, shopping, food – when we cross the line and why we need a detox from pleasure.
  • Don’t drink? Are you ill? Alcohol addiction – a trivialised problem. About the losses, the impact on the family, the chances of recovery.
  • Schizophrenia – between not knowing, worrying, helplessness and responding well.


PACKAGE NEGLECT, CONFLICT, ABUSE – focused on taboos, i.e. psychological, emotional, physical, sexual violence, violence against oneself


  • Suicide – causes, response, rescue, limits of liability.
  • The drama triangle – why I keep saving others and can’t refuse to help.
  • Gossiping – social aggression vs building relationships and self-esteem.
  • Microaggression and passive-aggressive behaviour – unconscious or intentional.
  • Types of aggression – what the perpetrator wants, where it comes from, therapy for perpetrators of violence.
  • Bullying – how to recover yourself after experiencing psychological abuse.
  • Emotional neglect – how the experience of emotional neglect affects our relationships in adulthood.
  • Domestic abuse – analysis of the phenomenon, where to find help.
  • Scaled assertiveness – how to set boundaries, defend yourself, seek support and give support.
  • Complaining – what’s behind our tendency to complain, i.e. listening to our own needs.
  • Sexual abuse – from sexist comments to rape, how best to support people experiencing abuse – how to talk about it without hurting them.



  • Non-violent communication and assertiveness in business.
  • Microaggression – how to be strong in words and actions to defend yourself.
  • Good practice in responding to bullying, supporting the individual and the team after experiencing.



  • Evolutionary neurodiversity – why are we diverse?
  • Personality in numbers – get to know yourself!
  • Neurodiversity in the work environment – how can we cooperate in various ways?
  • Neuro-typicality – a contemporary view of the autism spectrum.
  • Cognitive processes – concentration of attention in a diverse environment.
  • How to support highly sensitive children and adolescents?
  • Neurodiversity of adolescents – mental disorders or development potential?
  • ADHD in children and adults.