Added 30 October 2022


PACKAGE NEGLECT, CONFLICT, ABUSE – focused on taboos, i.e. psychological, emotional, physical, sexual violence, violence against oneself


  • Suicide – causes, response, rescue, limits of liability.
  • The drama triangle – why I keep saving others and can’t refuse to help.
  • Gossiping – social aggression vs building relationships and self-esteem.
  • Microaggression and passive-aggressive behaviour – unconscious or intentional.
  • Types of aggression – what the perpetrator wants, where it comes from, therapy for perpetrators of violence.
  • Bullying – how to recover yourself after experiencing psychological abuse.
  • Emotional neglect – how the experience of emotional neglect affects our relationships in adulthood.
  • Domestic abuse – analysis of the phenomenon, where to find help.
  • Scaled assertiveness – how to set boundaries, defend yourself, seek support and give support.
  • Complaining – what’s behind our tendency to complain, i.e. listening to our own needs.
  • Sexual abuse – from sexist comments to rape, how best to support people experiencing abuse – how to talk about it without hurting them.



  • Non-violent communication and assertiveness in business.
  • Microaggression – how to be strong in words and actions to defend yourself.
  • Good practice in responding to bullying, supporting the individual and the team after experiencing.
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