Added 30 October 2022


PACKAGE BASIC – where to start if mental health topics have not yet been addressed in the organisation.


  • Mental health in numbers. Signs of an employee crisis. How to support without overstepping boundaries in the short and long term?
  • Body and mind under stress. How to identify the signs faster and what to do about it?
  • New normal in Covid, social isolation, loneliness – how loneliness affects health, how to break free from it.
  • Mental resilience – responding flexibly to difficult events.
  • Facing the “unknown” – how to deal with worries.
  • Perfectionism – the good and bad side of striving for perfection.
  • Debunking myths around depression.
  • Good sleeping habits – working with different time zones vs. sleep.
  • Self-esteem – a barometer of acceptance and a protective shield in stress.
  • To go to the office or not to go? That is the question.



  • Building mental resilience. (for all employees)
  • Supporting the employee in a mental health crisis.
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